High standard security services that meet your needs.

Quality Controls

ADMONDS understand the importance of quality of service and safety of our clients, customers and our employees. Therefore, to maintain the desired level of quality of service and safety, a number of policies and systematic activities are implemented right from the commencement of service. These may include:
Client Management System
Each client is assigned a specific manager. Your assigned Client Manager will take personal responsibility for the security work at your sites, and will make regular site visits in order to audit the work of our security personnel, sometimes in conjunction with a section manager at your organisation. Your Client Manager will also be contactable by you at any time, and will be keen to meet with you on a regular basis to discuss our work and your expectations.

Periodic Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer satisfaction surveys are carried out regularly. The scope and frequency of this survey are agreed with each client before the commencement of service. This is to create an opportunity for a direct feedback from customers in terms of services received. Issues and outcomes of this survey are dealt with by senior management.
Clients are provided with copies of the reports arising out of the customer satisfaction survey and if necessary, meeting are held between management of ADMONDS and clients to discuss issues raised.

Security Auditing & Monitoring Systems
A periodic security audit and monitoring activities are established with clients at the start of service delivery. Preferably this is done weekly but clients have the option to change the scope and frequency of any such audit and monitoring activities.
This framework is normally established through a number of key performance areas and indicators. ADMONDS will agree the specific KPIs with client management before the commencement of service.

Our Staff
ADMONDS provide the security staff with in-depth training in security methodologies. It is our culture to assign security guards to specific projects in order to enhance familiarity of locations and any issues relevant to that specific site.
It is also our culture to draw up a staffing structure to fit each specific project. The nature of the structure is determined by the size of the premises and any specific requirement of the client. These details are discussed and agreed with clients prior to the commencement of service delivery.

Each project site is assigned either a Security Supervisor or a Site Security Manager depending on the size of the site. These supervisors report to one or more site managers, whose job it is to take responsibility for the daily management of the contract and who, in turn, report to the Account Manager.